Phasix Data Protection Policy

By entering your contact details you are enabling Phasix to keep you updated with relevant information by post, telephone or email, originating directly from Phasix. At any time you can opt-out of receiving a chosen communication by using the unsubscribe form link provided on email communications or by contacting us.

Phasix respects the personal data you supply to us, which is relevant to the purposes for which it is to be used and will do its utmost to ensure that such data is accurate, complete and kept up to date. Whenever personal data is obtained you will have access to information that describes how that data will be used. Phasix will not disclose your details to third-parties. The information you submit will be kept confidential and stored within a computer database or otherwise, by Phasix or its agents, under strictly regulated conditions in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998.